Steph and I were in Portsmouth, NH a couple of days ago with her aunt and son, Trey. They went shopping as I took photos. It was fun going into the toy stores with Trey. He was so excited! He kept going to the trains and cars, while I went to the Legos. As we walked around, I tried out something new. I wanted to take photos of people without them knowing so I just shot as I walked by them with the camera at my side. I think it was pretty successful. So I hope you all enjoy the photos.
This is where I tried something new. Taking photos as I walked and hoping for the best...
Hey! Welcome to my photo blog. I'm always taking pictures, and try to update once a week. So make sure you always check back for new stuff! Chances are, many of these photos are for sale, so check out the links below to buy.
I'm always up for a challenge, so if you want to propose one for me, by all means send me an e-mail. Thanks!