Well once again, I'm running behind in my blog. But good news! This is the last blog of the new year and it's all of my favorite city, New York! Steph and I went to NYC to see the Christmas window displays. Yes, you wouldn't be able to tell, but we went right after Thanksgiving to see all the Christmas lights and trees. But I had my camera pointed towards the sky and the architecture, as I always do. I hope you all had a wonderful holiday season, and here's to a happy and prosperous new year! I think one of my resolutions will be to take more photos, so make sure you come back and check things out! Enjoy the photos and Happy New Year!
Hey! Welcome to my photo blog. I'm always taking pictures, and try to update once a week. So make sure you always check back for new stuff! Chances are, many of these photos are for sale, so check out the links below to buy.
I'm always up for a challenge, so if you want to propose one for me, by all means send me an e-mail. Thanks!