September 2, 2009

Returning to Black and White Photos

Alright, so I'm a little behind this week. This weekend was an enjoyable and relaxing weekend in Maine...and when I say enjoyable, I mean it rained one day, so there was a campfire all day, and sunny the next day, and we just took advantage of it. But even more reason to relax...why you ask? Well because yours truly is being featured at a little restaurant down in Providence on Weybosset St. and later on this year, I will be featured at the BankRI galleries. All of the photos that are going to be showcased are all black and white photos, so that's why I'm posting these. Most of these were taken during my earlier years as a photographer, but there will be more to come as I return to film for awhile. So enjoy and comment. And heck, if you really like them, go buy 'em. Just click the link on the side bar.

"Time's Up" featuring my friend Erin (check her out here)

"Lost" Found this lone wine glass down in the Bahamas


"The Phone Call"

"American Icon"...although its fading away


"Alley Way" (my creative titles are awesome!)

"Spades" down in Newport

"Tangled Woods" Get it? It's a joke...

"Cabin Windows"

"Metal Jungle"


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